GitHub Setup

GitHub Accounts

GitHub, is provider of internet hosting for software development and version control using Git. It offers the distributed version control and source code management functionality of Git, plus its own features. If you don’t have a GitHub account, please visit GitHub’s sign up page.

Repository Setup

Step 1: Fork the STScI Repository

The first step is to create a GitHub copy of the STScI dat_pyinthesky repository. The copied repository on your GitHub account is called a “fork”. To make a fork, click on the ``fork`` button at the upper right corner of the STScI’s dat_pyinthesky repository. A dialog should popup up and you can select your GitHub account to create the fork.


Step 2: Clone the Repositories

After you create a fork of the STScI repository, you should now have a copy of the STScI repository under your GitHub account. The next step is to make a copy of both your and STScI’s GitHub repositories on your local machine. That way you can make edits on your computer and send the changes to your online repository (fork). The process of making a local copy is called cloning. To clone the dat_pyinthesky repos, open up a terminal window and cd into a directory you would like to save your local copy. Then run the following bash commands:

# clone the repository
git clone

# cd into the local repository (clone)
cd dat_pyinthesky

# rename the online version of the repo
# from "origin" to "stsci" (since you cloned STScI's version)
git remote rename origin stsci

Next, you want to link your online GitHub version of the repository (fork) to your local version. Copy the URL to your fork and run the following command in the terminal (make sure you are still in the dat_pyinthesky folder in the terminal):

# add your GitHub copy
git remote add <your_github_username> <your_fork_url>


Make sure not to confuse your fork’s URL with the official STScI URL. Your fork’s URL will have the following format:<your_github_username>/dat_pyinthesky

Step 3: Check Remote URLs

At this point, you have finished setting up your local clone of the repository. To check if the setup was successful, run the following command to list URLs:

# list remote URLs
git remote -v

This should return:

<your_github_username><your_github_username>/dat_pyinthesky.git (fetch)
<your_github_username><your_github_username>/dat_pyinthesky.git (push)
stsci (fetch)
stsci (fetch)

Step 4: Create a New Branch

Next, create a new branch and name it. You can name your new branch anything relevant to your notebook. Its best to use a short name since you wll need to type it in the terminal often. Do this by running:

git checkout -b <branch_name>

This will automatically change the current branch to the new branch; it will stay on this branch until you manually change it or create a new one.


To change to an already existing branch, run git checkout <branch_name>

Step 5: Synchronize New Branch to STScI

You should update the branch to make sure its in sync with the STScI main branch. To do this, run:

# Fetch changes
git fetch stsci main

# Pull (download) changes
git pull stsci main